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We are team of dermatologists and aesthetic physicians, dedicated to serve you

with personalized care, compassion and understanding.


dr. Kevin A Maharis, DIPL.Derm, MHA

Senior Aesthetic Physician

Chief Medical Officer, Maharis Group

dr. Devina Harsono, M.Biomed (AAM)

Senior Anti Aging & Aesthetic Physician

Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau Senopati 

dr. Ellen Theodora, MBBS, MARS, MM, Dipl. AAAM

Senior Aesthetic Physician

Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau PIK

dr. Ricky F. Maharis, Sp.DVE


Chief Executive Officer,
Maharis Group

dr. Deon Kristian, Dipl.AAAM

Senior Aesthetic Physician

Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau Menteng

dr. Audrey Maharani

Aesthetic Physician

Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau Kelapa Gading

dr. Corry Khathreen, Sp.DVE


Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau Bandung

dr. Mishael Octaviany Jireh, Dipl.AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

Head Doctor, Clinic dé Votre Peau Gading Serpong

dr. Michelle Defandi, MSc Aes Med

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Fellycia Destira

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Elizabeth Purnamasari, Dipl.AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Valyn Tumedia, Dipl.AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Marcella Defandi

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Henny Chyntya

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Jessica Gracia, Dipl.AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Gerry Tanzil

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Esteven Tanu Gunawan, Dipl.AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Jessie Kim, M.Biomed (AAM)

Anti Aging & Aesthetic Physician

dr. Adrian Ie

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Monica R. Kawilarang, Sp.DVE


dr. Sheila Anjani

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Rani Kurniawati

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Priskila Putri

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Rafithia Anandita, Sp.DVE


dr. Belinda Suhuyanly

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Stella Sunur, Sp.DVE


dr. Keziah Nadya

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Jody Andrean, Dipl. AAAM

Aesthetic Physician

dr. Clarissa Surya

Aesthetic Physician