dr. Priskila Putri
Aesthetic Physician
dr. Priscila Putri is a medical professional who brings smiles and joy to the world of aesthetic treatments. She received her medical degree from Pelita Harapan University in 2018. On her journey towards aesthetic expertise, in 2022, dr. Priscila took part in the Gain training program organized by Galderma with the theme "aesthetic journeys" in Thailand, which broadened her insight and expertise in the world of medical aesthetics.
Her expertise lies in treating acne scars (Acne Scars) and Botox treatments. However, what really drives dr. Priscilla to the world of aesthetics is her love of human beauty. She has a strong passion for helping patients feel better about themselves and find self-confidence through aesthetic treatments.
Currently, dr. Priscila Prati practices at Clinic dé Votre Peau Bandung. She is known to have a very friendly and fun persona, which makes patients feel comfortable and happy in their treatment journey. With a combination of education, training, and a pleasant personality, dr. Priscila Putri is the perfect choice for those looking for aesthetic treatments with a special touch.