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dr. Monica R. Kawilarang, Sp.DVE


Let's get to know dr. Monica Rosalind Kawilarang, Sp. KK/DVE.

As a medical professional, dr. Monica has an impressive educational history. After completing general medical education at Airlangga University in 2012, in 2016 dr. Monica continued her education as a skin and genital specialist at Udayana University and graduated summa cum laude.

It didn't stop at education, dr. Monica continues to actively enrich herself with the latest knowledge in her field, by actively participating in seminars, workshops and joining KSDKI (Indonesian cosmetic dermatology study group), KSDLI (Indonesian laser dermatology study group), and KSTBKI (Indonesian skin surgery study group). dr. Monica is also a member of IKLASI (Indonesian laser medical association).

As a specialist in Skin, Venereology & Aesthetics, dr. Monica has a deep passion for skin health & aesthetics so it's no surprise that she is very detailed and always tries to give the best to patients.

You can meet dr. Monica at Clinic dé Votre Peau Surabaya for a comfortable and informative medical consultation. Coupled with an easy going personality, dr. Monica is the right choice for those who are looking for the best solution for every skin and appearance problem with guidance from experienced experts.
