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Spots on the face are a scourge for people in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate, of course it is not far from the problem of facial spots that often occur in Indonesia.

Clinic dé Votre Peau presents treatments that can be a solution for people in Indonesia who are not confident about the appearance of spots on their face.

The series of treatments that we present can start from Live cells injection and 1-4 laser steps.

Many people ask whether spots that have disappeared can reappear? Remembering that Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate, if we don't take care of our face and rarely use sunblock, the spots will definitely reappear. Therefore, the first step that we have to overcome is injecting live cells injection, namely a serum with a special formula to destroy the factories that produce spots on our faces. After we destroy the roots, we can disguise the color and texture of the spots with a multi-step laser series starting from 1 step – 4 laser steps to restore the desired condition for our patients.

Don't forget that the power of the laser used is of course adjusted to the condition of each patient's face, remembering that the condition of each person's face cannot be different and cannot be the same. Of course, after the problem of spots is resolved, of course we also have to continue to care for our face and don't forget to always use sunblock so that the spots on our face don't reappear.


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