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Face contouring & Anti Aging is a treatment carried out to improve the contour of the face so that it looks more proportional and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin.


Menyuntikkan cairan Neuromodulator pada bagian otot yang ingin dirilekskan guna mengencangkan kerutan, meniruskan wajah dan menegaskan definisi wajah.


Cairan berbahan Hyaluronic Acid (HA) yang disuntik pada bagian bawah kulit sebagai pengisi terhadap bagian-bagian wajah guna memberikan contour wajah yang harmonis dengan tindakan seperti:

  1. Emphasizing the jawline
  2. Slimming the chin
  3. Giving volume to the lips
  4. Increasing the projection of the cheekbones
  5. Filling under the eyes which are classified as sunken


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is an innovative technology in the world of aesthetic clinics that uses highly focused ultrasonic waves to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin without surgery. This procedure works by targeting the deep layers of the skin, strengthening elasticity and tightening facial tissue to reduce fine lines and signs of aging.

HIFU provides a non-invasive lifting effect that can provide visible and natural results with little or no recovery time.


Menggunakan radio frekuensi monopolar (ThermaCool) untuk mengencangkan kulit wajah


Menggunakan gelombang focussed ultrasound untuk menstimulasi produksi kolagen di dalam tubuh.



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