dr. Rafithia Anandita, Sp.DVE
dr. Rafithia Anandita, Sp.DV is an experienced skin and venereal specialist (dermatology and venereology) with a strong educational background. He graduated from Padjadjaran University, Bandung in 2013 for general practitioner education and in 2022 for skin and venereal specialist education (dermatology and venereology).
dr. Rafithia has demonstrated a strong commitment to continuing to increase her knowledge in the world of medicine through her participation in various workshops and scientific meetings, such as:
- National Scientific Meeting (PIN) II Indonesian Collegium of Dermatology and Venereology (KDVI) - PERDOSKI 2021
- 10th Regional Scientific Meeting for Pediatric Dermatology (RSMPD)
- 2nd EAST INSDV 2020 “New Paradigm of Management in Pediatric to Geriatric Dermatology & Venereology: Effective Strategies Related to Diagnosis Prevention and Management”
- PERDOSKI XVII Annual Scientific Week 2019 "Synergy in Increasing the Actualization and Competence of Dermatology and Venereology Specialist Doctors in the Era of Globalization".
- Symposia and Workshop: COSMIC 2018 Cosmetic Dermatology Inquiring Conference.
Currently, dr. Rafithia has joined Clinic dé Votre Peau Bandung, where she focuses on helping people overcome various skin and genital problems, especially in the field of aesthetics. With a solid educational background and commitment to renewing his knowledge through workshops and scientific meetings.
dr. Rafithia Anandita, Sp.DV is also known for the various studies She has written, one of which is "The Effect of Calcitriol on the Autophagy Process of the B16-F10 Melanoma Cell Line: Study of Beclin 1 Protein Expression Analysis" in 2022.
dr. Rafithia Anandita, Sp.DV is the ideal choice for those looking for quality skin and genital care.